"Opening pages ... Episode Two:

NOVEL EXCERPT: Pages 179 - 180
Permanent Obscurity:
Or a Cautionary Tale of Two Girls and their
Misadventures with Drugs, Pornography, and Death
Dolores Santana
(as told to
Richard Perez)
It was a weird dream I fell into, detailed and raw.
Maybe it was the trip to Maine I was re-imagining, because I was back in that Caravan with Serena and Baby. Except that the mood was pressed and tight. Serena was raging and not speaking to me, like I’d betrayed her or something. I kept asking her what was wrong, but she wouldn’t tell me. When I turned to Baby to ask him what was up, he wouldn’t answer either or hardly even look at me. He looked different, too—a lot older somehow. And in pain. And I noticed one of his eyes, his right one, was puffed out and swollen. “What happened to your eye, Baby?” “Allergic reaction,” was all he said and kept flashing his good eye into the rearview to check up on Serena. When I turned to look out the window I didn’t recognize the landscape. It didn’t look like New York City. “Where are we going?” I asked. Baby kept flooring the van, pushing the old crate to the breaking point. The real van was standard, but in the dream it was manual with Baby forcing the gears so hard that at one point the shift stick broke off in his hand. “Now what!” Serena shrieked, and her face was like a vampire and her teeth looked black like from heroin or meth. I started getting anxious then as I heard the very real sound of cop sirens, growing louder and louder, nearer and nearer. “Faster Baby! Faster!” Serena screamed and she sounded truly like a demon.
Last thing I remembered was the wheel of the van coming loose in Baby’s hands as the van lost control, fishtailing, and then everything went black!
“Fuck!” I yelled, gasping for breath, my heart pounding. The dream was so fucking real that I’d almost peed on myself.
When I woke up I was alone.
Without Serena.
This was all her idea, of course.
Wanting to “get out,” wanting to get down to the Village, away from me, despite my protests.
And here I was back in this shithole, back in my rattrap, without my best friend, without my girl.
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"Notebook" for the novel --> http://permanentobscurity.com/
I need to emphasize that PERMANENT OBSCURITY is not "erotica," although it has BDSM overtones (leaning toward so-called "femdom"). It's really a dark comedy about bohemia and the difficulty of relationships (female/male and female/female) and finally the big question for anyone in the arts (or in the tabloid media): sudden fame vs. permanent anonymity. The style of the novel is inspired by '60s over-the-top sexploition films like those of Russ Meyer (FASTER PUSSYCAT KILL KILL, BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE DOLLS) and those Something Weird Videos, like A SWEET SICKNESS and BAD GIRLS GO TO HELL [so-called “cautionary tales”]) -- updated to the Bush era (circa 2006).
PERMANENT OBSCURITY: Or a Cautionary Tale of Two Girls and Their Misadventures with Drugs, Pornography and Death by Dolores Santana (as told to Richard Perez)
Written in the 3 parts:
Whereupon we are introduced to Dolores and Serena and their kinky shenanigans.
Whereupon Dolores and Serena grapple with relationship/sexuality issues, life-threatening drug dealers, irreversible money woes. Culminating in a desperate attempt at making a so-called "femdom" film.
Whereupon Dolores and Serena find themselves in a place not expected. Namely, hell.
PERMANENT OBSCURITY: Or a Cautionary Tale of Two Girls and Their Misadventures with Drugs, Pornography and Death by Dolores Santana (as told to Richard Perez)
¤*.¸¸.·´¨`°*» PERMANENT OBSCURITY: the title and where it came from --> http://permanentobscurity.com/perm-obsc-origins-title.htm
¤*.¸¸.·´¨`°*» The subversive power of sexploitation:
pre-porn era sexploitation and its influence --
¤*.¸¸.·´¨`°*» BAD GIRL CINEMA (and its influence on the novel):
Buy now from AMAZON (U.S.) >> http://www.amazon.com/Permanent-Obscurity-Cautionary-Misadventures-Pornography/dp/0971341540
¤*.¸¸.·´¨`°*» To purchase (foreign countries): http://permanentobscurity.com/perm-obsc-buy.htm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: About the Author:
Initially published small literary magazines, Richard Perez has also written for The New York Times (a newspaper he doesn't read.) His first novel, The Losers' Club (aka: The Losers' Club: Complete Restored Edition) has three foreign translations to date: Korean, Turkish, Italian. PERMANENT OBSCURITY: or a Cautionary Tale of Two Girls and Their Misadventures with Drugs, Pornography, and Death — his second novel — also reflects his infatuation with bohemia and willful nonconformists.